Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Show Me the Money!

Where do I start? Well I haven't been much of a volunteer for Film Oxford, recently, it seems that's there's not enough hours in the day sadly, especially as I do need to put food on the table for the kids!

Film making/writing wise I have to say I've been pretty poor, it feels like I go through phases where I'm all inspired and enthusiastic then in seems to dwindle to nothing.  I have to say that since graduating from Ruskin I haven't done any script writing as I feel all written out with all the course work. However, what I have been doing is more blogging, this time for the WEA Workers in Education Association. I got my arm twisted to join Barton Sings, a choir in Barton.  On going along I found I really enjoyed it and offered to blog, so now I do. Sounds geeky but it's not....honest!

On the film making front I was asked to shoot an event for Fe-line Oxford which I did all on my own I might add, it actually went rather well so I was pleased with that. All I did was turn up, set up and record, job done. I'm still very much interested in film making and if anyone wants a hand on a shoot then please let me know.

The other thing that has occurred to me, now I am no longer a student, is that I need to earn money! I would love to have a career in writing and that is my aim but in the mean time I am a self employed furniture painter 'Kate's Shabby Chic'. Business is going slowly but nicely. However this doesn't leave me a lot of time for volunteering and to be honest I feel it's about time to took things it up a level and start working for a wage. I now feel confident enough to do so and I know this is due partly to my being a volunteer at Film Oxford. If you ever get the free time and opportunity to volunteer I would highly recommend it it's done me the power of good.

So, there may not be another blog from me as I am no longer able to volunteer at Film Oxford. However you can follow me on twitter @duffkat43 and watch out for my blog 'Vex in the Village' I'm kind of Carrie Bradshaw on benefits.

If anyone else is thinking about volunteering , or is already a volunteer at Film Oxford and would like to fill my boots (ooo-urr-mrs!) then please contact Richard in the office, I'm sure he'd be happy to hear from you.

It's been emotional, farewell, and thanks to all who have followed or read my blog.

P.S Anyone looking for a talented new writer on any platform don't hesitate to contact me wink wink!

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