Where do I start? Well I haven't been much of a volunteer for Film Oxford, recently, it seems that's there's not enough hours in the day sadly, especially as I do need to put food on the table for the kids!
Film making/writing wise I have to say I've been pretty poor, it feels like I go through phases where I'm all inspired and enthusiastic then in seems to dwindle to nothing. I have to say that since graduating from Ruskin I haven't done any script writing as I feel all written out with all the course work. However, what I have been doing is more blogging, this time for the WEA Workers in Education Association. I got my arm twisted to join Barton Sings, a choir in Barton. On going along I found I really enjoyed it and offered to blog, so now I do. Sounds geeky but it's not....honest!
On the film making front I was asked to shoot an event for Fe-line Oxford which I did all on my own I might add, it actually went rather well so I was pleased with that. All I did was turn up, set up and record, job done. I'm still very much interested in film making and if anyone wants a hand on a shoot then please let me know.
The other thing that has occurred to me, now I am no longer a student, is that I need to earn money! I would love to have a career in writing and that is my aim but in the mean time I am a self employed furniture painter 'Kate's Shabby Chic'. Business is going slowly but nicely. However this doesn't leave me a lot of time for volunteering and to be honest I feel it's about time to took things it up a level and start working for a wage. I now feel confident enough to do so and I know this is due partly to my being a volunteer at Film Oxford. If you ever get the free time and opportunity to volunteer I would highly recommend it it's done me the power of good.
So, there may not be another blog from me as I am no longer able to volunteer at Film Oxford. However you can follow me on twitter @duffkat43 and watch out for my blog 'Vex in the Village' I'm kind of Carrie Bradshaw on benefits.
If anyone else is thinking about volunteering , or is already a volunteer at Film Oxford and would like to fill my boots (ooo-urr-mrs!) then please contact Richard in the office, I'm sure he'd be happy to hear from you.
It's been emotional, farewell, and thanks to all who have followed or read my blog.
P.S Anyone looking for a talented new writer on any platform don't hesitate to contact me wink wink!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Film Oxford - Volunteering, editing...not, shoot!
Well hello! It's been a long busy summer with kids off school and no free time for much else. I did manage to help out one day at Film Oxford with the children's animation course which was fantastic. They were all so enthusiastic and uninhibited, oh to be young again! We adults worry far to much what others are going to think of our ideas which, in my case, restrains our creativity. But the kids, wow there's no bars held with them. Great ideas pouring from them was a pleasure to see. Unfortunately I fell ill and didn't make it back for the final two days in fear of contaminating a room of children hence ruining their summer hols! I'm definitely signing up my 8 year old for next year though!
Now, the edit of the tattoo film, what can I say. Sarah and I again attempted this which consisted of us sitting in front of a Mac staring at the captured footage in adobe premier and not having a clue what to do with it. I Think the problem is this, when planning the film we had decided not to include ourselves, the only problem is we can be heard throughout but we have know footage of us except a few minutes of spitting image like noddies! So, this has caused confusion and problems in the edit. Are we in or out? If we're out of it it's hard to find footage of us not saying anything, if we're in it there's no sign of us and the audience will be thinking who's voices are they? What's there part in all this? Yes, it's a balls up. What we have decided after staring at the clips blankly for hours is.......to pass it over to an editor to have a go. They can do what they will with it, no sound, sound, arty, any thing they like. Lesson learnt here is prep is vital in getting what you want from your film, you have to be clear and stick with it as much as possible. Any budding editors please get in contact and help us no budget available but Sarah cooks a mean chicken and chorizo casserole.
Another bit of filming I'm doing is tonight. I became friends with the organiser of the Oxford Fe-line Women's group after meeting on course at Film Oxford, she has asked me to film an event tonight about blogging. Going off to do a recce in a minute then collect the camera etc from Film Oxford. Let's see how I get on with this after all, it's all a learning curve for me. When I think back to this time last year I would never have agreed to head off alone and give it a go so it's a sign of how much my confidence has grown. Never a bad thing surely!
Friday, 8 June 2012
Kate at Film Oxford - The Edit no. 2
Sarah and I have been able to get into Film Oxford again this week to crack on with editing the tattoo film. we've managed to get a time line going that to date is just over 2 minutes long. We have over 2 hours of film so this is great.
As we placed interesting film clips onto the time line we could see our story developing. We're going to have four stories playing along side each other. Some just using images and some using the interview image and sound we got. This seems to be piecing together nicely and once you get going it feels natural as to what the next clip is going to be. Getting started is definitely the hardest part it can feel overwhelming with all the footage and so little time of it to use. Preparation is key here logging the clips clearly so you're not having to trawl through them repeatedly as you can't remember what they are!
The process is definitely a slow but rewarding one. This was our second editing session, in total we've spent 7 hours and we only have just over 2 minutes of film, this shows how long the process can take, well for us amateurs anyway. It felt as the creative side of my brain was working yesterday with lots of good ideas, but when it came to using the software to create the effect my brain kept going blank. For instance laying the interview audio over different images, in the first instance I couldn't remember how to do it. With the help of Stewart, a Film Oxford worker, my memory was refreshed. I suppose the only way to remember and learn the skills are to get on and practise them, which is what I am doing.
Sarah's definitely got the editing bug and wants to do the course at Film Oxford which of course would be fantastic. In the mean time we shall soldier on with my sieve head. Don't get me wrong we're really enjoying the process but it ain't as simple as it looks!
Other business, been working hard on my college work today only a few weeks left until the modules deadlines so the pressure is really starting to build. I'm just not academic, it's just taken me two years to find out!
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Kate Film Oxford - The Edit
So, started the edit this week on mine and Sarah's tattoo film. We used one of the great edit suites at Film Oxford. We hadn't looked at the film we'd got before this, we didn't now what to expect. We weren't expecting great sound quality as the studio was quite echoie plus there was allot of back ground noise with the buzzing of needles and thrash metal music playing! These were the problems that we discovered on the day of the shoot so we set a separate interview room where we could speak with people away from the other noise. We weren't sure how well this was going to work and didn't feel that confident.
We were pleasantly surprised however when watching back the footage, the sound was good and the quality of the picture was okay too. With our minds put at rest we cracked on with the editing process. Now I'm no expert and Sarah's never done any film editing so we knew we just had to crack on using the best of my knowledge, it wasn't the fear of making editing decisions that made us nervous, it was using the Adobe software! Actually once I'd got it open and began, the course I had taken at Film Oxford all seemed to come flooding back and we managed successfully to import all the footage, name it and begin our time line. Well done to us!It was actually quite exciting to see what we had and how we could piece it together to make a hopefully fun and interesting short.
The hard part really starts on our next editing session with the time line having to really take shape. We have 2 hours of film and we aim to make a 3 or 5 min short so we've got our work cut out, quite literally! It's interesting how when you see what footage you have a film takes shape in your head. Obviously before we started the film we had an idea of the style we wanted and it looks very much like that is what we shall achieve, but until you see what you've got it's hard to say for definite how the film will look. We had some great ideas that came to us during watching the footage so we should be fine. It's very addictive you know you could sit there staring at the screen for hours and hours if you're not careful. We intend to go in again next week to continue so watch this space.
In the mean time still busy back at college, 2 work heavy modules for my last term at Ruskin finding very difficult to fit in with the kids and all. Need to really focus can't afford to balls it up on my last term. I finish in July God knows what I'm going to do then. If anyone has any ideas or wok offers, don't be shy!
We were pleasantly surprised however when watching back the footage, the sound was good and the quality of the picture was okay too. With our minds put at rest we cracked on with the editing process. Now I'm no expert and Sarah's never done any film editing so we knew we just had to crack on using the best of my knowledge, it wasn't the fear of making editing decisions that made us nervous, it was using the Adobe software! Actually once I'd got it open and began, the course I had taken at Film Oxford all seemed to come flooding back and we managed successfully to import all the footage, name it and begin our time line. Well done to us!It was actually quite exciting to see what we had and how we could piece it together to make a hopefully fun and interesting short.
The hard part really starts on our next editing session with the time line having to really take shape. We have 2 hours of film and we aim to make a 3 or 5 min short so we've got our work cut out, quite literally! It's interesting how when you see what footage you have a film takes shape in your head. Obviously before we started the film we had an idea of the style we wanted and it looks very much like that is what we shall achieve, but until you see what you've got it's hard to say for definite how the film will look. We had some great ideas that came to us during watching the footage so we should be fine. It's very addictive you know you could sit there staring at the screen for hours and hours if you're not careful. We intend to go in again next week to continue so watch this space.
In the mean time still busy back at college, 2 work heavy modules for my last term at Ruskin finding very difficult to fit in with the kids and all. Need to really focus can't afford to balls it up on my last term. I finish in July God knows what I'm going to do then. If anyone has any ideas or wok offers, don't be shy!
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Kate at Film Oxford.....been on shoot
Hi, I've been away for a week or so, the Easter hols, kids off school blah blah bah, just getting back into the usual routine.
Been on the second day of shooting in a tattoo studio, already done a day a few weeks back. My friend Sarah, (a good friend whom I've met through Ruskin) and I decided to have a go at making a short film. Her son was going to have a tattoo and having discussed the idea of a film in a tattoo studio saw this as the perfect opportunity to go along with a camera. We've got a couple of hours of footage including tattoos being done, interviews with tattoo artists and a tattoo remover. Hopefully we'll be able to put an interesting short together with what we have.
Faced the usual problems sound, lighting pinning people down to chat to. Of course there's a few things that we would do differently next time on the shoot but it's all a learning process. Enjoying the experience that's the main thing and it's definitely confidence building. Hope to start the edit next week, I know this is a long process but I'm excited to see what we can put together. Will keep you posted....quite literally!
Back to college this week for my final term, can't say I'm looking forward to it, in my head I've left already. Not being very academic it's not a place where I thrive, the placement term has been my best term. Going to be a very busy 10 weeks with course work, college, kids, and film making. Wish me luck!
Been on the second day of shooting in a tattoo studio, already done a day a few weeks back. My friend Sarah, (a good friend whom I've met through Ruskin) and I decided to have a go at making a short film. Her son was going to have a tattoo and having discussed the idea of a film in a tattoo studio saw this as the perfect opportunity to go along with a camera. We've got a couple of hours of footage including tattoos being done, interviews with tattoo artists and a tattoo remover. Hopefully we'll be able to put an interesting short together with what we have.
Faced the usual problems sound, lighting pinning people down to chat to. Of course there's a few things that we would do differently next time on the shoot but it's all a learning process. Enjoying the experience that's the main thing and it's definitely confidence building. Hope to start the edit next week, I know this is a long process but I'm excited to see what we can put together. Will keep you posted....quite literally!
Back to college this week for my final term, can't say I'm looking forward to it, in my head I've left already. Not being very academic it's not a place where I thrive, the placement term has been my best term. Going to be a very busy 10 weeks with course work, college, kids, and film making. Wish me luck!
Saturday, 7 April 2012
A brick through my window..please...anyone?! (Not literally of course)
Now I know this is not related to volunteering at Film Oxford but I felt the need to Blog and I don't have a another Blog account. Note my serious journalist style font!
So, Samantha Brick has turned heads for all the wrong reasons this week with her article in the Mail which sparked all kinds of 'hating' to spread over the net and TV. This could be the wrong move for me to react but lets face it, my Blog ain't going world wide so I should be safe.
Now, Samantha Brick is your stereotypical sexy woman, blond, blue eyes, 'well stacked' so I see why she gets the attention. I don't believe her to be universally good looking such as J-Lo or Beyonce but none the less she is Barbie-esque and matches the type that we are led to believe most men find attractive and sexy, note I say most, not all, I do know that not all men love a Barbie figure! I imagine that she does get a a lot of attention from men and negative attention from some women, do i think that it is a cross to bare? Maybe, but not as heavy as the one I'm lugging about!
Here's my problem. I have no partner and have been single for a few years. When meeting new people be it at work, on a course or out socially the conversation will always turn to relationships are you married, single etc. On replying that I am single I am then usually asked if I choose to be single and I always say the same, that it is not by choice but that I never meet anyone, not from being to choosy or not liking anyone but from from not ever getting chatted up in the first place. This is usually received by disbelief which believe me is very flattering, though whether people are just being kind (probably are), I don't know but the fact remains the same I do not pull, ever!
Now I know I am not universally good looking and definitely no sex bomb. In fact I see my self as rather manly, un-sexy and average looking. My eyes, mouth and nose are in the right place but there is nothing particularly pretty about them, my figures alright but I ain't no Kelly Brook, but people, especially women, find it hard to accept that I do not get chatted up. In fact they tend to go one further saying 'If I was gay I'd chat you up', 'I was thinking how fanciable you are!' or 'What a waste of a good woman'. I do actually think at this point, oh Christ they really are feeling sorry for the old singleton left on the shelf, but the fact is I do hear it and do wonder, if this is the case then why do I not get approached, let alone asked out on dates.One theory I have is that because I am so blokey (in my head having partly evolved into one in their abence), that women actually start fancying me and men are put off!
I suppose circumstances play a big part in your chances of being hit on. Let's face it unless Hugh Grant parachutes into my close at the end of the tiny village where I live, then he ain't never gonna get his chance. What? If Cameron Diaz can get her door banged (let alone elsewhere by the end of the night) by Jude Law in the Holiday then I too live in hope! I know it's a film! This is what years of being single has done, I've become deluded by Rom Coms and when you live in the middle of no where single handedly raising a 5 and 7 year old the isolation can start to play tricks on your mind. Anyway, I tried to tweet Hugh this week but he doesn't have an account so that's over before it started, his loss. I wonder if Jude Tweets...
The point I'm trying to make is that poor Samantha Brick is plighted by being chatted up and adorned and I am plighted with the opposite so I beg she stops moaning. Don't get me wrong, I'm not desperate, but it does make you question what is going on when women are in disbelief at you not getting chatted up and the men are running a mile!
So, Samantha Brick has turned heads for all the wrong reasons this week with her article in the Mail which sparked all kinds of 'hating' to spread over the net and TV. This could be the wrong move for me to react but lets face it, my Blog ain't going world wide so I should be safe.
Now, Samantha Brick is your stereotypical sexy woman, blond, blue eyes, 'well stacked' so I see why she gets the attention. I don't believe her to be universally good looking such as J-Lo or Beyonce but none the less she is Barbie-esque and matches the type that we are led to believe most men find attractive and sexy, note I say most, not all, I do know that not all men love a Barbie figure! I imagine that she does get a a lot of attention from men and negative attention from some women, do i think that it is a cross to bare? Maybe, but not as heavy as the one I'm lugging about!
Here's my problem. I have no partner and have been single for a few years. When meeting new people be it at work, on a course or out socially the conversation will always turn to relationships are you married, single etc. On replying that I am single I am then usually asked if I choose to be single and I always say the same, that it is not by choice but that I never meet anyone, not from being to choosy or not liking anyone but from from not ever getting chatted up in the first place. This is usually received by disbelief which believe me is very flattering, though whether people are just being kind (probably are), I don't know but the fact remains the same I do not pull, ever!
Now I know I am not universally good looking and definitely no sex bomb. In fact I see my self as rather manly, un-sexy and average looking. My eyes, mouth and nose are in the right place but there is nothing particularly pretty about them, my figures alright but I ain't no Kelly Brook, but people, especially women, find it hard to accept that I do not get chatted up. In fact they tend to go one further saying 'If I was gay I'd chat you up', 'I was thinking how fanciable you are!' or 'What a waste of a good woman'. I do actually think at this point, oh Christ they really are feeling sorry for the old singleton left on the shelf, but the fact is I do hear it and do wonder, if this is the case then why do I not get approached, let alone asked out on dates.One theory I have is that because I am so blokey (in my head having partly evolved into one in their abence), that women actually start fancying me and men are put off!
I suppose circumstances play a big part in your chances of being hit on. Let's face it unless Hugh Grant parachutes into my close at the end of the tiny village where I live, then he ain't never gonna get his chance. What? If Cameron Diaz can get her door banged (let alone elsewhere by the end of the night) by Jude Law in the Holiday then I too live in hope! I know it's a film! This is what years of being single has done, I've become deluded by Rom Coms and when you live in the middle of no where single handedly raising a 5 and 7 year old the isolation can start to play tricks on your mind. Anyway, I tried to tweet Hugh this week but he doesn't have an account so that's over before it started, his loss. I wonder if Jude Tweets...
The point I'm trying to make is that poor Samantha Brick is plighted by being chatted up and adorned and I am plighted with the opposite so I beg she stops moaning. Don't get me wrong, I'm not desperate, but it does make you question what is going on when women are in disbelief at you not getting chatted up and the men are running a mile!
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Kate Duffy - Had a break!
Hi Ive had a little break after handing in course work and finishing my placement. I say break what I mean is that I'm still doing "stuff" but more for my pleasure.
So what have I been doing, well, I nearly had a break when a theatre script I wrote very nearly got picked by a theatre company performing at an Oxford theatre before heading to Edinburgh Fringe. It was very exciting to be so close but extremely disappointing not to have got it, this time. What it has made me realise though is how much I do want it. Before now I would have been terrified at the prospect of having one of my scripts, film or theatre, being put into production but I am so ready now. It would have been an excellent start to my career beyond college but I am also aware that if I had been chosen then I would have been extremely lucky as writers very rarely strike it lucky with their first script and the first production company to look at it! Anyway, I've sent it else where the experience as definitely boosted my confidence.
I've also been involved in a joint project with my fellow writer and other half of Sisters Ink Writers, Sarah. We headed off to a Tattoo studio for a day to shoot in the hope of making a short film. We've got to go back for another shoot day for more interviews before we can edit.
This I would never have done pre Film Oxford, I just would not have had the confidence. Even if nothing comes of it the learning experience is brilliant. I really enjoy the process and hope to make more films in the future along side my writing.
It's not all been good this month though when one of my projects fell by the way side. I wanted to enter a sit com script to the BBC's comedy writing competition but after completing the outline I didn't have enough time to write the episode required to enter. I'm kicking myself on that score but I have to remind myself that I can't do everything! Just not a good month with college dead lines the same week. Hey ho, I'm still going to write it, I'll have to find something else to do with it instead! Oh I know, in cupboard next to the rest Ha! No, that's the old me, this is the new me!
Went to the theatre last week and saw a contemporary production, it wasn't really my thing, sooo intense but still a great experience none the less. Have made a vow to go and see some kind of theatre once a month. Lets face it, gone are my raving days then followed by drinking grown men under the table, can't take the 3 day hang over and the shame. It only happens very rarely now urghh....I'm just wincing at the thought of my birthday last year......let's just say I woke up with no voice and a badge saying I love c**k pinned on the arse of my jeans. I had no part of it of course, no seriously I didn't, can't remember anything past 10.30!
No, I'm cultured, intellectual and focused now, that's the new me. On that note I'm off to watch the Witches of Eastwich,.....I know, my depths know no boundaries.
So what have I been doing, well, I nearly had a break when a theatre script I wrote very nearly got picked by a theatre company performing at an Oxford theatre before heading to Edinburgh Fringe. It was very exciting to be so close but extremely disappointing not to have got it, this time. What it has made me realise though is how much I do want it. Before now I would have been terrified at the prospect of having one of my scripts, film or theatre, being put into production but I am so ready now. It would have been an excellent start to my career beyond college but I am also aware that if I had been chosen then I would have been extremely lucky as writers very rarely strike it lucky with their first script and the first production company to look at it! Anyway, I've sent it else where the experience as definitely boosted my confidence.
I've also been involved in a joint project with my fellow writer and other half of Sisters Ink Writers, Sarah. We headed off to a Tattoo studio for a day to shoot in the hope of making a short film. We've got to go back for another shoot day for more interviews before we can edit.
This I would never have done pre Film Oxford, I just would not have had the confidence. Even if nothing comes of it the learning experience is brilliant. I really enjoy the process and hope to make more films in the future along side my writing.
It's not all been good this month though when one of my projects fell by the way side. I wanted to enter a sit com script to the BBC's comedy writing competition but after completing the outline I didn't have enough time to write the episode required to enter. I'm kicking myself on that score but I have to remind myself that I can't do everything! Just not a good month with college dead lines the same week. Hey ho, I'm still going to write it, I'll have to find something else to do with it instead! Oh I know, in cupboard next to the rest Ha! No, that's the old me, this is the new me!
Went to the theatre last week and saw a contemporary production, it wasn't really my thing, sooo intense but still a great experience none the less. Have made a vow to go and see some kind of theatre once a month. Lets face it, gone are my raving days then followed by drinking grown men under the table, can't take the 3 day hang over and the shame. It only happens very rarely now urghh....I'm just wincing at the thought of my birthday last year......let's just say I woke up with no voice and a badge saying I love c**k pinned on the arse of my jeans. I had no part of it of course, no seriously I didn't, can't remember anything past 10.30!
No, I'm cultured, intellectual and focused now, that's the new me. On that note I'm off to watch the Witches of Eastwich,.....I know, my depths know no boundaries.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Kate Duffy at Film Oxford - Head on the Block!
Wow what a week to end on! Yes, can you believe it, my placement time has come to an end, 10 weeks gone in a blink of an eye. I've enjoyed my time here so much more than I could have ever imagined, and I say that in a good way of course. I was really looking forward to coming to Film Oxford, after all, I did apply here, but I wasn't really sure where I as going to fit in and what role I would play. On starting, it became clear that I would get the oppertunity to assist in lots of different areas giving me a wide range of experience whilst learning lots of new skills.
Anyway, last week was a busy one with the 2nd week of the Reel Women course running and then the screening night being held on the Friday. The Reel Women group worked on capturing, logging and editing film footage, pictures and vox pox's. The group really worked hard pulling together and putting their ideas together about how the film should sound and look, getting it finished in time for the screening night. I really enjoyed the past two weeks assisitng Ali with the course, working with a mixture of women and making friends that I shall stay in touch with, and maybe work with in the future.
A screening night in conjunction with The International Women's Festival was held on Friday. Ali and myself went through the Film Oxford database and picked out some local women who worked in the industry to come and talk about their experiences in film making and working in the media. Hannah Vale, a local woman who is successfully achieving her goal with a career in the media, joined a couple of other women film makers showing their work followed by Q&A's. This group included myself and Sam McNern with 'Booty Call' it was great to see it on the screen at last!
I've always said no one is interested in the writer or who they are when watching a film, this point was proven when Sam had questions from the audience and I, none. This is the beauty of being the writer, if you were to become a successful writer, you'd earn the respect and credit, but you can still go down Tescos in your PJ's and no one knows who you are. Perfect! The night was a great success with a great audience getting the chance to network as well as make some new like minded friends.
Actually, it's been such fun at Film Oxford that I've asked if they will let me stay on as a volunteer and I'm pleased to say they have agreed! Must be my tea making skills. I hope I can continue learning through experience and I hope I can contribute to Film Oxford's fantastic team of staff. Who knows where it may lead me. I shall contiue to Blog if permitted so please keep reading!
I highly reccomend anyone out there who has thought about volunteering at what ever it may be to give it a go it's done me the world of good and I have noticed that my confidence is finally growing which is such a massive thing for me. It's definately worth it! Off now to sort out 10 tonne of college work for tomorrows dead line. They'll be some fretting and sweating in bed tonight! Oh Matron!
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Kate Duffy Film Oxford - Reel Women On The Block!
This week has been a busy one with it being the first week of the Reel Women course. I've really enjoyed it and have loved being busy out and about, meeting different people. A short film about the Lord Mayor of Oxford is the groups project and week one saw the group being introduced to the camera, lighting and other equipment, planning the film, and the actual shoot day. When you look at it wrote down this is allot to get done in three days and Ali does a brilliant job of getting the group trained, organised and prepared.
On the shoot day we split into to two groups, one shooting the interview and one getting vox pox's and any other interesting external footage that could be used in the shoot. I was in the group that filmed the interview and luckily we had a great subject Lord Mayor Elise Benjamin who was interesting, funny, and very co-operative. The shoot felt good to do quite nerve racking and some times rather stressful but all in all a really great experience which all the group appeared to enjoy, I got quite a buzz actually and was pleased with how the day went.
However, after watching the footage on our return to Film Oxford I found myself feeling disappointed at the mistakes that had been made which could have been prevented on the shoot. Hindsight is not a great thing and I wish I had found my voice a little more on certain matters, I was left feeling disappointed and frustrated with MYSELF and NOT with anyone else in the group let me make that clear. I must add though that I am over it now and I realise that it is all a learning curve and in that respect I have learnt sooo....much.
On Friday I met with the Shadowlight Artist group which is always an inspirational and enjoyable experience. We heard about their different projects and how they are progressing, watched a rough cut of one of their films which looked amazing. The group also updated their web pages and I, after a quick training session, helped with this. Russell brought in his script with the re-writes he had made, he'd taken all previous feedback on board and had tightened it up nicely.
All in all I've learnt a great deal at Film Oxford this week and have enjoyed it greatly. I'm really looking forward to editing the footage for the Lord Mayor film, I feel confident that a decent little short will come out of it ( I still think the film should be called 'There's Something About Mayory' no one else agrees though, I don't know why?) Also, we have a screening night this Friday where we will be showing films and talking with local women film makers in conjunction with The International Women's Festival. We'll even be showing a short I wrote which was made by, Sam McNern a film maker who has also completed courses at Film Oxford. Nerve racking or what!
Looking forward to the week ahead after a full on weekend with kids where my 5 year old insisted on wearing her roller skates everywhere resulting in my dragging her along at top speed likened to Frank Spencer in Some Mothers Do Av 'Em when we got caught in torrential rain. I've never laughed so hard, you should have seen her face. I need adult company!
Monday, 27 February 2012
Kate Duffy Film Oxford - Staying on the block....
The last two weeks have gone well, I seem to have my routine now and am able to get on with work even if there's no one about to give a specific job at that time. Every ones been great and the work environment is relaxed and friendly. Still doing a variation of jobs from technical, practical to general office work. This has been interesting and I've been able to spot what I really like doing and what feels not so suited to me.
The pre -course preparations are now complete for the The Reel Women course which starts this week. I've really enjoyed this and am looking forward to helping out on the actual course. I think I can confirm that I prefer to be working with people, organising, doing some marketing, communicating. This I have found really enjoyable and it's great to be able to be part of the teaching course and I can't wait to meet the group of women and get hands on.
I've also discovered that computers are not my friend. OK, well i know they're not supposed to be, but what I mean is that I don't get as much satisfaction when it comes to the technical side of stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm really eager to learn and fully understand that the skills I'm gaining are extremely useful, but I just don't get as much satisfaction when doing them. No that's not right either, what I mean is that I feel a bit of a bubble head when trying to learn the skills. I find myself staring on with a blank expression as my brain tries to absorb the information, not a good look in front of an employer! I do get there in the end, it just takes a little longer than other stuff. The old lack of confidence plays a part as well, if I start to fluster then I can't concentrate making things even worse. I have learnt that I just need to take the time it takes for it to sink in, not be scared to ask questions if I'm unsure. It can sometimes feel uncomfortable when asking for the 4th time to have something explained, but I've learnt it's best to feel like a numpty for 5 mins than be dumb to the job in hand for the rest of the time I'm there!
That said, Nomita (the graphic design volunteer) and I have been editing a film she made with a group on one of the courses and I've loved it! I even came in on a day off to do it, it's addictive. So even though I'm using editing software, because there is a creative side to it I find it enjoyable and satisfying. I've discovered a few things about myself to date at Film Oxford and I'm trying my hardest to handle things differently not allowing my lack of confidence beat me and prevent me from developing. This experience could end up being just what I've needed on a personal level to encourage me to continue in the future, an unexpected side to the placement that I hadn't really thought about before starting. Steady on....getting a bit deep here!
The pre -course preparations are now complete for the The Reel Women course which starts this week. I've really enjoyed this and am looking forward to helping out on the actual course. I think I can confirm that I prefer to be working with people, organising, doing some marketing, communicating. This I have found really enjoyable and it's great to be able to be part of the teaching course and I can't wait to meet the group of women and get hands on.
I've also discovered that computers are not my friend. OK, well i know they're not supposed to be, but what I mean is that I don't get as much satisfaction when it comes to the technical side of stuff. Don't get me wrong I'm really eager to learn and fully understand that the skills I'm gaining are extremely useful, but I just don't get as much satisfaction when doing them. No that's not right either, what I mean is that I feel a bit of a bubble head when trying to learn the skills. I find myself staring on with a blank expression as my brain tries to absorb the information, not a good look in front of an employer! I do get there in the end, it just takes a little longer than other stuff. The old lack of confidence plays a part as well, if I start to fluster then I can't concentrate making things even worse. I have learnt that I just need to take the time it takes for it to sink in, not be scared to ask questions if I'm unsure. It can sometimes feel uncomfortable when asking for the 4th time to have something explained, but I've learnt it's best to feel like a numpty for 5 mins than be dumb to the job in hand for the rest of the time I'm there!
That said, Nomita (the graphic design volunteer) and I have been editing a film she made with a group on one of the courses and I've loved it! I even came in on a day off to do it, it's addictive. So even though I'm using editing software, because there is a creative side to it I find it enjoyable and satisfying. I've discovered a few things about myself to date at Film Oxford and I'm trying my hardest to handle things differently not allowing my lack of confidence beat me and prevent me from developing. This experience could end up being just what I've needed on a personal level to encourage me to continue in the future, an unexpected side to the placement that I hadn't really thought about before starting. Steady on....getting a bit deep here!
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Kate at Film Oxford - Still on the Block.
Had a great week after my wobble last week. Got down to some good work and felt like I was contributing to the work force. Met with Ali again and got the posters for the Reel Women course updated by Nomita the fantastic graphics design volunteer at Film Oxford. She did a brilliant job and Ali and I were really pleased to get them printed off and distributed. All we need now is for people to sign up so if you're a woman reading this and feel like giving film making a go, then go to the Film Oxford website http://www.ofvm.org/training/ under Training check out the criteria and if you match then get signed up. I thoroughly recommend it from experience, don't do what I have for years and put yourself off, get signed up!
Helped Rodger prepare equipment and got on with other office duties, feel much better about myself, feeling inspired again. I came in on Thursday night and attended the AGM, it was interesting to hear about the great work and achievements Film Oxford have made over the past year. It was also really useful to hear what was coming up in the next year, and to meet the new committee members. There was a short compilation of finished film projects completed in the past, it's always nice to see the end product on screen makes it real.
At the weekend I attended the Adobe Premier editing course. When I make my 3 min short, a project for term 3 at college, I intend to do as much of the work as possible myself, including editing. I wasn't sure whether my brain would be able to absorb all the techi stuff involved when learning new software, lets face it I live with a 5 and 7 year old, my technology abilities aren't that stretched. As long as I can hook up the Wii and Nintendo I'm a winner, in fact I have to ask my 7 year old for advice on that! Anyway, to my surprise and delight I was able to understand the course, even if it absorbed a little slower that some of the other group members. Andy, the tutor, was excellent and made it clear and easy to follow.
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Nomita and I on editing course. |
Hands on tuition is always good for me and this was his style of teaching so it was excellent. I've got the bug now and have already begun editing a project with Nomita.
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Andy on editing course. |
It's been such a productive and encouraging week, still got a mountain to climb but at least I feel able to get my climbing boots on. Something has changed in me, for the better, and yeah check me out with photos and a link. Steady on, I'll be taking over the world at this rate!
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Girl on the block....still
Another week at Film Oxford and things are going nicely. I must admit though I've had a dip this week, nothing to do with Film Oxford, it's me. I have this terrible curse that I live with involving my lack of confidence. 'Confidence?!' I hear those who know me cry. I don't mean talking to people and mixing, Lord knows I'd talk to a goat and I'm definitely not shy. What I mean is confidence in my capabilities, there's only been one person holding me back all my life, and that's me. I just doubt my abilities and let it get to me. I want to learn so much whilst I'm here but I know that If I'm not careful I will not push my self and fail to achieve the goals I set out to. Whats become apparent, and a running theme through out Film Oxford is that 99% of film making/writing is just getting on with it, getting stuck in, giving it a try. Now when you have no confidence in what you're doing this can be a problem. I know I just need to get over it and crack on and I'm really not going to let me get in the way of me! Right! That's my talking to, continue.....
So, another interesting week, meeting with Ali, assisting with the ongoing arrangements for the Reel Women course and screening event. On the practical side I helped Rodger prepare equipment for the Shooting Video course Suzy Prior runs in the evenings. I did this course before Christmas and had a great time, Suzy is a fabulous tutor with a great sense of humour which always helps, I thoroughly recommend it to any new budding film maker. Also, I've done some general office stuff I'm updating the film libraries back catalogue , this gives me the chance to become familiar with some of the finished films. On the whole it's been an interesting and varied week and I feel I'm settling in well (not sure what the other staff members would say!).
I'm on an Editing course this weekend at Film Oxford so looking forward to that. I really hope that I shake off the feeling of inadequacy allowing myself to develop instead of taking a back sit and just going along for the ride. I need to get hold of the gear stick, Oh Matron! But you know what I mean. There is nothing Film Oxford can do about it, this is my mission. To infinity and beyond.......oh shut up woman!
Monday, 30 January 2012
Kate at Film Oxford - Girl on the Block
Well this week my time at Film Oxford was cut short when home life took the front seat. My 5 year old was ill and off school meaning I was unable to got in the whole time. This is a reality you have to face when being a single parent Mum who doesn't have the luxury of a Nanny. It brings it home that working, or getting stuff done that you really want to, is not always plain sailing. These times can be dis-spiriting (if that's a word, it is now!), when sat at home watching Mr Tumble, but you have to try not to let it hinder your attempts of trying to make a success of yourself, single Mum or not. If any thing, it's made me think that kids TV could do with a shake up and some fresh writers!
When I was in the office, I once again met with Ali and discussed the Reel Women course and began plans for the screening event. I've taken on some jobs of my own to do which luckily I was able to do from home. The screening night is an important part of the The Women's International Festival and equally important to Film Oxford. It's inspiring for women film makers also for those who have thought about film making but have never given it a try. I'm really looking forward to helping Ali out and hope to learn a lot from the experience. Also, I was able to capture and burn a disc for an ex student who had gone on to shoot some of his own footage. Another job I've learnt and hope to continue at Film Oxford, freeing up the staff to get on with other stuff.
I really hope to become a useful member of the team by the end of my stay. Not only do I want to learn new skills and gain invaluable experience, I'm hoping the staff will have found me an asset and not just a distant memory '...that woman that came in for 10 weeks....old what's her face?'. Who knows my stay may inspire a script, all the staff may recognise their characters on screen one day! Don't panic Mr Mannering, I'll be kind!
Anyway, back this week as my daughters well, don't get me wrong, actually, I selfishly love it when the kids are ill. It's the only time I get a marathon cuddle, but, I'm looking forward to getting back and getting stuck in. Anyway, too much Mr Tumble is unhealthy for any adult!
When I was in the office, I once again met with Ali and discussed the Reel Women course and began plans for the screening event. I've taken on some jobs of my own to do which luckily I was able to do from home. The screening night is an important part of the The Women's International Festival and equally important to Film Oxford. It's inspiring for women film makers also for those who have thought about film making but have never given it a try. I'm really looking forward to helping Ali out and hope to learn a lot from the experience. Also, I was able to capture and burn a disc for an ex student who had gone on to shoot some of his own footage. Another job I've learnt and hope to continue at Film Oxford, freeing up the staff to get on with other stuff.
I really hope to become a useful member of the team by the end of my stay. Not only do I want to learn new skills and gain invaluable experience, I'm hoping the staff will have found me an asset and not just a distant memory '...that woman that came in for 10 weeks....old what's her face?'. Who knows my stay may inspire a script, all the staff may recognise their characters on screen one day! Don't panic Mr Mannering, I'll be kind!
Anyway, back this week as my daughters well, don't get me wrong, actually, I selfishly love it when the kids are ill. It's the only time I get a marathon cuddle, but, I'm looking forward to getting back and getting stuck in. Anyway, too much Mr Tumble is unhealthy for any adult!
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Kate at Film Oxford - Newish Girl on the Block
Having finished my second week at Film Oxford I'd like to say I'm settling in nicely. I've got to the point where on arrival I can stick the kettle on without worrying that they're thinking 'Where does she think she is, at home?! ' You know what I mean.
Started the week meeting with Ali so we could do the minutes for the Shadowlight Artists meeting. Was great to get into the edit suite where some serious colour correcting was needed to put right the effects of the poor lighting when the meeting was shot. One major embarrassing point to be made here, I shot it! This point was kindly skimmed over by staff members. Was a great opportunity to see some of the colour correcting tools in Adobe Premier, also a great lesson in editing. I was then shown how to burn discs from Adobe Encore so a really productive day for me.
Met with Ali again as she runs the Reel Women course in conjunction with The Women's International Festival. I did this course a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. I will be assisting Ali on the course which will be a fantastic opportunity for me to gain more practical experience. I love the idea of giving other women the opportunity to discover their creative side. The course details are all on the web site if you're interested I recommend it to anyone, well not anyone, you gotta be a woman!
I must note though that I did have a reality check today being a single Mum of 2. A producer of a film that I've heard lots about, and would love to have had a chat too, came into the office today. And where was I? Changing kids plimsolls in Asda during my lunch break. Just about sums it up! Got to say though that my experience at Film Oxford to date has been great, I look forward to going in and am finding all aspects interesting and useful. I have a feeling I'm going to learn more than I imagined during my time here! Also, it's so nice to be surrounded by like minded people with a passion for film making and all things creative.
Started the week meeting with Ali so we could do the minutes for the Shadowlight Artists meeting. Was great to get into the edit suite where some serious colour correcting was needed to put right the effects of the poor lighting when the meeting was shot. One major embarrassing point to be made here, I shot it! This point was kindly skimmed over by staff members. Was a great opportunity to see some of the colour correcting tools in Adobe Premier, also a great lesson in editing. I was then shown how to burn discs from Adobe Encore so a really productive day for me.
Met with Ali again as she runs the Reel Women course in conjunction with The Women's International Festival. I did this course a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. I will be assisting Ali on the course which will be a fantastic opportunity for me to gain more practical experience. I love the idea of giving other women the opportunity to discover their creative side. The course details are all on the web site if you're interested I recommend it to anyone, well not anyone, you gotta be a woman!
I must note though that I did have a reality check today being a single Mum of 2. A producer of a film that I've heard lots about, and would love to have had a chat too, came into the office today. And where was I? Changing kids plimsolls in Asda during my lunch break. Just about sums it up! Got to say though that my experience at Film Oxford to date has been great, I look forward to going in and am finding all aspects interesting and useful. I have a feeling I'm going to learn more than I imagined during my time here! Also, it's so nice to be surrounded by like minded people with a passion for film making and all things creative.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Kate at Film Oxford - Still the New Girl
I'm into my second week at Film Oxford and really enjoying it. I feel like the new girl on the block, but that's because I am! Every ones really friendly and helpful making it allot easier to fit in.
The previous week I came in to observe a meeting being held by the Shadowlight Artists. By the end I felt inspired to rush out and make a film. The group were fantastic and I had the chance to film the meeting using one of the small HD cameras. I also had the pleasure of reading through one of the writers scripts and enjoyed giving feedback and chatting with him. This ain't a bad experience for your first day on a placement. I really enjoyed the day, meeting the group, and left feeling inspired and keen to get stuck in.
During the next couple of days spent at the office I met a few more of the staff and had an induction, followed by a guided tour. I shadowed a member of staff who assists on the technical side of things and was shown how to digitalised film using software in the edit suite. I then typed up the suggestions that had been made for one of the Shadowlight Artists regarding his script. Being a writer I found it tricky to give feedback without wanting it to sound negative. As a writer I also know how it feels to hear the feedback when you've just spent hours, days and weeks getting the first draft together. Giving feedback is a skill in itself but is invaluable to a writer so it's definitely a skill worth mastering.
The next day I set up this blog, not having ever blogged before you'll have to excuse my lack of experience until I get into the swing of it. I've had a look at lots of others and mine definitely needs work! Hopefully you'll see my blog develop over the weeks making it an irresistible place for you to visit regularly, well a girl can dream can't she?! Also, I shadowed Rodger again, getting camera kit ready and preparing film files on the Mac to be taken out to a workshop the next day.
Before I started it was hard for me to put my finger on what I wanted to gain at Film Oxford, but I can see already the huge opportunities to learn new skills and how diverse they're going to be. I'm a little nervous, but excited, I'm just going to get stuck in and try to learn as much as I can.
The previous week I came in to observe a meeting being held by the Shadowlight Artists. By the end I felt inspired to rush out and make a film. The group were fantastic and I had the chance to film the meeting using one of the small HD cameras. I also had the pleasure of reading through one of the writers scripts and enjoyed giving feedback and chatting with him. This ain't a bad experience for your first day on a placement. I really enjoyed the day, meeting the group, and left feeling inspired and keen to get stuck in.
During the next couple of days spent at the office I met a few more of the staff and had an induction, followed by a guided tour. I shadowed a member of staff who assists on the technical side of things and was shown how to digitalised film using software in the edit suite. I then typed up the suggestions that had been made for one of the Shadowlight Artists regarding his script. Being a writer I found it tricky to give feedback without wanting it to sound negative. As a writer I also know how it feels to hear the feedback when you've just spent hours, days and weeks getting the first draft together. Giving feedback is a skill in itself but is invaluable to a writer so it's definitely a skill worth mastering.
The next day I set up this blog, not having ever blogged before you'll have to excuse my lack of experience until I get into the swing of it. I've had a look at lots of others and mine definitely needs work! Hopefully you'll see my blog develop over the weeks making it an irresistible place for you to visit regularly, well a girl can dream can't she?! Also, I shadowed Rodger again, getting camera kit ready and preparing film files on the Mac to be taken out to a workshop the next day.
Before I started it was hard for me to put my finger on what I wanted to gain at Film Oxford, but I can see already the huge opportunities to learn new skills and how diverse they're going to be. I'm a little nervous, but excited, I'm just going to get stuck in and try to learn as much as I can.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Kate at Film Oxford - New Girl on the Block
Hi, I'm Kate and I've just started unpaid work placement at Oxford Film and Video Makers, also known as Film Oxford, and thought it may be a good idea to write a Blog so I can record my experiences. Who knows, a future volunteer or mature student (yes, mature student!) may find it useful if wanting to join the team there or thinking of returning to education. I'm in my second year on the Writing for Performance Foundation Degree that is ran at Ruskin College. To my delight I successfully completed the first year (I'm a single Mum with a 4 and 6 year old), and am now in year 2, term 2, where I had to find an unpaid work placement. My heart lies with film so I knew it would be best to find somewhere relevant to my interests as well as to the course.
I've completed a few of the courses at, where I'm going to refer to as Film Oxford, and have an interest in independent film making. I looked at placement opportunities at the BBC and ITV but thought, come on woman be realistic. Although the idea of being on the set, or in the script department, of Coronation Street for 10 weeks would be a dream placement, I needed to get in the real and practical world. Anyway, I don't think my 4 and 6 year old would be able to fend for themselves for 10 weeks whilst Mummy followed her dreams, so, I had to be practical and realistic so my first choice was Film Oxford.
I've had some great experiences at Film Oxford taking part on some of the fantastic courses they offer, I've always found everyone friendly and encouraging. I needed to go somewhere where I had a real interest in what they do. Although I knew I had an interest in Film Making about 14 yrs back it was only at Film Oxford on the courses, that I realised that this is what I want to do. This is how I'd like to earn a living. Don't get me wrong I'm not delusional I don't think I'm going to be the next Steven Spielberg but to earn a living doing something I enjoy and am interested in is every ones dream right? I've since discovered a few years down the line that the area that's captured my interest most is writing. I completed 2 writing courses at Film Oxford, which I would recommend to anyone who feels they want to have a go. I had no higher education qualifications and hadn't written a thing before starting the course so please don't be intimidated by the thought of it. If I've had a go, believe me, anyone can!
Anyway, I think you're up to speed, un-paid work placement, starting this week, at Film Oxford. This will be my account of my experiences and thoughts through out my time there.
I've completed a few of the courses at, where I'm going to refer to as Film Oxford, and have an interest in independent film making. I looked at placement opportunities at the BBC and ITV but thought, come on woman be realistic. Although the idea of being on the set, or in the script department, of Coronation Street for 10 weeks would be a dream placement, I needed to get in the real and practical world. Anyway, I don't think my 4 and 6 year old would be able to fend for themselves for 10 weeks whilst Mummy followed her dreams, so, I had to be practical and realistic so my first choice was Film Oxford.
I've had some great experiences at Film Oxford taking part on some of the fantastic courses they offer, I've always found everyone friendly and encouraging. I needed to go somewhere where I had a real interest in what they do. Although I knew I had an interest in Film Making about 14 yrs back it was only at Film Oxford on the courses, that I realised that this is what I want to do. This is how I'd like to earn a living. Don't get me wrong I'm not delusional I don't think I'm going to be the next Steven Spielberg but to earn a living doing something I enjoy and am interested in is every ones dream right? I've since discovered a few years down the line that the area that's captured my interest most is writing. I completed 2 writing courses at Film Oxford, which I would recommend to anyone who feels they want to have a go. I had no higher education qualifications and hadn't written a thing before starting the course so please don't be intimidated by the thought of it. If I've had a go, believe me, anyone can!
Anyway, I think you're up to speed, un-paid work placement, starting this week, at Film Oxford. This will be my account of my experiences and thoughts through out my time there.
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